Клинични проучвания
Anderson, J.W. MD et.al. (1988) “Cholesterol-Lowering Effects of Psyllium Hydrophilic Mucilloid for Hypercholesterolemic Men”. Archives of Internal Medicine
Anderson, J.W. MD et.al. (1991) “Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Different Bulk-Forming Hydrophilic Fibres as Adjuncts to Dietary Therapy in Mild to Moderate Hypercholesterolemia”. Archives of Internal Medicine
Dettmar, P.W. and Sykes, J. (1998) “A Multi-centre, General practice Comparison of Ispaghula Husk with Lactulose and Other Laxatives in the Treatment of Simple Constipation”. Reckitt & Colman Products Ltd., Hull,UK.
Синдром на раздразненото дебело черво:
Prior, A. and Whorwell, P.J. (1987) “Double blind study of Ispaghula in irritable bowel syndrome”. GUT – An International Journal og Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Smalley, J.R. (1982) “Use of Psyllium in the Management of Chronic Nonspecific Diarrhea in Children” Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Hamouz, W. (1984) “Die Behandlung der akuten und chronischen Diarrho mit Agiocur”. Med. Klin.79